Our Happy Clients Are Our Best Ads!
We just hate the thought that Uncle Sam will get 50% of our estate. Using the survivorship life policy to pay the tax is a terrific deal. You helped us arrange the insurance companies and low guaranteed premiums. The government will get their tax, but now our children and grandchildren won’t have to liquidate business assets and real estate. We think the world of your firm.
Your company is the best! We purchased the lowest priced guaranteed premiums with absolutely no hassle. A real class act. Your firm worked beautifully with our CPA and Tax Attorney streamlining a solid estate planning effort.
We couldn’t be happier. Our medical history is poor, but SurvivorshipLife.com worked tirelessly, shopping many companies, delivering a premium that was much lower than we had anticipated. Great job!
You made the process painless. By specializing in the estate tax area, the low guaranteed premiums were by far a much better value than our local agent had proposed. It pays to work with top-notch specialists!
At my age and health, I didn’t think I could get a good life insurance premium. I was wrong! Your company was simply outstanding. This policy helps keep my heirs from liquidating valuable assets and puts the insurance company on the hook to pay the estate tax.
After having you folks review my existing policies, it was clear to me that I had overpaid! My insurance company and agent, at the time, had made promises that were not kept. As such, thanks to SurvivorshipLife.com I now have almost 1½ times the coverage at a much smaller guaranteed premium. I wish we had used your services six years ago. Thank you for all your help.
“The survivorship life product is priced so that it’s cheap; it’s an inexpensive way to pay a million dollars of estate tax.”